Interface design for humans

In my career as an IT professional, I have observed that many people and companies struggle with designing interfaces, cracking the user experience, and building mock-ups. There is often a dilemma between making something complex and making something beautiful. Yes, I...

Colours and user experience

Did you know that colours play a vital role in the way a living being perceives information? Colours are not just a topic in fine-arts but they are a science in itself. Don’t worry, I am not going to get into the physics of a prism converting the white light into a...

My simple personal finance system

Money — a piece of paper with no real value making the world work day and night to achieve it. Making people hope that one fine day they will have enough paper in their bank to never worry about it again, only to eventually realise that it is never enough. I always...

To-do list styles to rule your day

Hey there, productivity enthusiasts and list-making champions! Are you all too familiar with the excitement of creating a dazzling to-do list, diligently ticking off items for the first few days, but then somehow getting lost in the sea of tasks, feeling overwhelmed...

Personal finance tips that make sense

I get it. Trust me. It is already too difficult to earn money. It is even more exhausting to save and grow the money you earn. It requires time, discipline, understanding of oneself, practice and patience. If you are too hard on yourself for not earning or saving...

My two cents on personal productivity

I am not a “productivity guru”. I am still exploring the psychology, theories and processes around productivity. Productivity — according to me — is how efficiently and effectively I am able to manage my time and complete my tasks. I first started looking into this...